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Cover crops can be planted in spring, summer or fall! Remember that ¼ to ⅓ of your growing area should be planted to green manure cover crops every year. This ensures your soil stays healthy and productive.
Seeds can be stored for 1 to 2 years.
Buckwheat is an ancient foraging crop that has been cultivated for thousands of years. It has become a popular cover crop for its ability to feed pollinators, scavenge nutrients, improve soil structure and smoother weeds.
Plants establish very quickly and can reach two to three feet tall in under a month. Brittle tops break down quickly when tilled, adding organic matter and improving soil tilth. Buckwheat cover crops should be mowed or tilled no later than 50% bloom or 10 days past first bloom to prevent seed set.
Buckwheat can be planted from March 1 to August 31. However, the plants are frost-sensitive and will be killed when exposed to freezing temperatures. Some growers plant two successive crops to utilize the entire growing season and maximize its benefits.
Untreated, Non-GEO Seed
250g covers approximately 400 sq. ft
1 kg covers approximately 1600 sq. ft
Quick Guide
- Latin Name: Fagopyrum esculentum
- Hardiness: Annual cover crop, frost-sensitive
- Growth Rate: Fast
- Germination: 3-7 days
- Planting Dates: Mar 1 - Aug 31
- Seeding Rate: 600g-1kg per 1000 sq. ft (28kg-45kg per acre)
- Max Planting Depth: 1” - 1.5” or Broadcast and lightly tamp into soil
- Growth Habit: Mature into 24-36" tall broadleaf crop with multiple shallow white blooms
- Benefits: Nitrogen and Phosphorus scavenger, minimizes erosion, improves drainage, suppresses weeds
- Sun Exposure: Part Shade to Full Sun
- Usual Seed Life: 2-3 years
Cover Crop Management: Best mowed or tilled once crop reaches 50% bloom before it goes to seed
Highest Quality Standards
Our cover crop seed comes from high-quality stock and is tested for germination. We've selected the best varieties available to maximize each species' potential.