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Seeds will store for at least 1 to 2 years.
Oats are one of the most versatile and widely planted cover crops, used in gardens and on small farms. Its quick germination, fast growth, and dense canopy make it a great choice for planting at any time of the growing season.
It is often used as a nurse crop and planted with other slower germinating species such as clover, alfalfa or perennial grasses to help protect them while establishing.
Oats seeding rate should be no more than 50%, when being under-seeded with other species.
When planted in spring, oats produce large amounts of top growth and extensive roots, which help improve soil structure, add organic matter, and suppress weeds. They are typically tilled under, mowed or grazed before the seedheads form.
If planted in late summer or early fall, oats will winterkill once freezing temperatures arrive (zone 7 or colder). This helps break down and decompose the vegetation during the winter and allows for easy spring tillage.
Oats can be used as a nurse crop with other species, such as clover. The seeding rate can be reduced by half when planting as a mix with other types of seed.
Untreated, Non-GEO Seed
250g covers approximately 250 sq. ft
1 kg covers approximately 1000 sq. ft
- Latin Name: Avena sativa
- Hardiness: Hardy Annual
- Growth Rate: Fast
- Germination: 7-10 days
- Planting Dates: Mar 1 - Sep 1
- Seeding Rate: 1kg per 1000 sq. ft (45kg per acre)
- Max Planting Depth: 1” - 1.5"
- Growth Habit: Upright and erect grass. Plants grow up to 36” tall as they form heads
- Benefits: Extensive root system, adds organic matter, improves soil structure, captures nutrients
- Sun Exposure: Part Shade to Full Sun
- Usual Seed Life: 2-3 years
- Cover Crop Management: Till, mow or graze before seed heads form. Plants will winterkill in zone 7 or colder.
Highest Quality Standards
Our cover crop seed comes from high-quality stock and is tested for germination. We've selected the best varieties available in order to maximize each species' potential.