Spanish Roja
/ bulbAvailable starting Mid-August
Shipping starts early to Mid-September
Also available as BULK GARLIC (per lb)
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One of our absolute favourites and top picks! A great all-around variety and a must have for every garlic patch.
Spanish Roja is a well-known heirloom that was brought to the Portland Oregon area in the late 1800s. It is one of the most beautiful varieties available and does very well in Canada's cold winters. Bulb wrappers range from pink to deep purple, depending on local growing conditions.
Spanish Roja is consistently a top winner in taste tests and has a deep, rich, complex flavour with a full-bodied character.
Scapes should be removed to ensure good bulb formation. Grows well on a wide range of soils and can tolerate excess moisture better than other Rocambole varieties.
Produces large bulbs that have 8 to 10 cloves. Stores for up to 6 months.
Garlic is a heavy feeder. For best results, apply a well-balanced organic fertilizer at planting and in spring. Planting a green manure cover crop the season before growing garlic is also recommended.
See our Garlic Growing Guide for detailed planting and growing instructions.
Highest Quality Standards
Our premium garlic is carefully examined throughout the season, from planting to harvest. Cloves, plants, and bulbs are all individually inspected to maintain the highest quality seed stock available! See how we Manage Garlic Diseases & Pests.